your name's not Dan, you're not on the list, you're not coming in, not tonight, not tonight!

Thursday 1 March 2007 first post..the future?!

Hi everybody! I decided to start a blog just few minutes here I am! My name's Vale, i'm from Italy, as you can see in my profile! and I'm 20!

Here my life in brief....I study politic sciences, after two tortured months in Venice ( my favourite italian city) where I was studying oriental languages..It was absolutely fantastic stay there, but something brought back me at home..I'm still searching the reason...but probably the fear of the future...yeah the fear of the future is my mean annoyance, cause I started my new university life with a careful plan...but something went in a wrong way...So my dad, obviously, after paid an apartment (venice is a bit far from where i live) and the first fee said me to find a job...but i chose an university near me and i started to study again...Marks of my first two exams? Let's pass over this point...I'm a bit in crisis..i really want to become someone and I think university give you the right chance...I have a lot of interests, but I don't know how to plan them........... Talking about social life, I have a beautiful golden plan, called boyfriend and also my bestfriend now...I know a lot of people and i had a lot of fun in my life, I love beer and every saturday I had a party...( = i was always drunk eheh) but now i don't like having fun in a club or in a superficial place, where people know you only for that night and there's no hope that they become a real friend...I'm trying some different quite fun..Probably cause I would like to grow up in a seriously way...i mean , i'm not a "museum", but I'm trying to satisfy my hobbies first, and then the superficial things...My two best friends can't understand this point very well now, and then they don't like my boyfriend...(they had a fight two weeks ago) so they don't speak very well about my bf in front of me and it's really difficult to suffer...cause I keep apart the two things, but they can't...anyway it doesn't matter, cause in this period i'm also trying to be happy, and to be happy I couldn't care less and let's the things drift on me...So my friends continue to say me that i'm changed, i haven't the right behavior..I started to notice some difference last year..cause when I have "my friend's behavior" everythings go well! but when you try to do something different "you are changed"...and i'm spoilt, childish (that's the reason of my description)..

The thing that makes me under stress is work...i study in the morning and then i work as a baby sitter in the afternoon, so I have not time to go at the lessons and I think it would be easier if I go cause i would meet many new people.....and probably i would find some new "friends", but I decide that it's THE YEAR OF calm down the confusion in my mind..and then in september i will go at the lessons and i hope to meet people who have my same interests...I know it will happen...when i was in venice i met many interesting people in only two months...that's why it was so hard come back at home, where it's always the same.....

Ok probably my life wasn't so brief...but now i feel you know everything about me...i will update you soon with something happier! bye bye vale !

p.s.: If there are some mistakes...I'm italian..ehehe!


Smalltown RN said...

welcome to the blog world....I am honoured that your dropped by my blog and left me a message....I think I will continue to come back to your blog to check on your advancement....sounds like your life is in flux...and that is good...your are evaluating things and determining what is important to you....great choices....this truly is your future....

Smalltown RN said... did you find me...if you don't mind me asking...I am always curious as to how people come by and visits blogs...

euly said...

i replied on your blog :)

Smalltown RN said...

Yes you did...thank you....and now I see you have been incorporating your Italian with your comments...I love that...see you can teach me a new language....Yahoo!!!

Happy Friday!

euly said...

Of course i can! (=certo che posso! eheh)

It's me, T.J. said...

Hi there...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I think that you are being brave by making such a big change in your life.

I congratulate you on that.

I don't speak Italian, but I could certainly try to learn a little bit!

I have a blog friend who is a Sicilian. Her parents came from Sicily and she was born in the United States. She is on my blog roll. I know that she would love it if you would stop by and leave a comment on her blog.


euly said...

Thank you for your congratulations and if you want to learn italian i'm here for that eheh ...anyway i dropped by your sicilian friend's blog and i left a comment! Talk to you soon! bye bye

It's me, T.J. said...

Hey Euly...

When I'm going to add you to my blogroll as soon as I get a chance!


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